To all of the sponsors, volunteers, and Project Joy and Hope.
My family and I want to say thank you for all of the amazing things each and every one of y’all have done for us. For all of the love and support that we have gotten from this wonderful organization.
My son Thomas is 13 years old. He was a perfectly healthy boy up until he got sick at the end of 2018. He loved to play baseball, basketball, and playing outside with his friends he had huge plans for his future. He wanted to be in the Army and become a cop.
In 2019 his entire world changed. He was diagnosed with widespread bronchiectasis. Then in 2020 we changed pulmonologist and discovered he had bronchial obliterans. We were told he would need a double lung transplant at TCH in Houston Texas.
We live in a small town two and a half hours away called Teague Texas. We were told we would have to move to Houston or somewhere within 1 hour of the hospital. So when he got listed and got the call we could get there within the hour of the call. We knew as soon as we were told we needed to move that it would just be me and Thomas. My husband is the only one that works right now and he works out of town. I was scared, anxious, and overwhelmed. I have never lived in a city. I wasn’t sure where to go or what to do.
Then I was introduced to Project Joy and Hope. After one phone call to Jan Wheeler the director I knew we were meant to be here. She was so kind and understanding on the phone. She made me feel safe and a lot less anxious. From the day we moved in, Jan, Shelley, and Chris have become family. They gave us a clean, safe, loving, and homey place. They are always here when we need them, pray with us, and help guide us through anything we are going through.
This is the first time we have been away from our home and family for the holidays, but God knew where we needed to be and who we needed to be with.
Thanks to Project Joy and Hope giving us a place to stay during the scariest time of our lives. Thomas was listed for a double lung transplant on November 11th 2021. He was at first listed as inactive until he completed PT for one month.
Thomas got sick and was placed in the hospital on November 25th for high CO2 levels. He spent three days there. Jan, Shelley, and Chris checked on him everyday. The doctors didn’t want to wait any longer for him to be activated on the UNOS list. They activated him on December 6th 2021. We received the call on December 9th, and December 10th Thomas was given the gift of new lungs from his angel donor.
Again Jan, Shelley, and Chris checked on him everyday and prayed for him. He got discharged and sent home on the 20th. They welcomed us back with open arms and lots of love. Thomas had the best Christmas he could have ever asked for because of his lung donor, Project Joy and Hope, and all of their wonderful sponsors. Gringo’s adopted us for Christmas (just amazing!)
We are so thankful to PJH for always being there when we need them. For having this amazing place for families that need them and a loving place to stay. Being so close to TCH has been a blessing. Project Joy and Hope has been a huge part in Thomas’ journey and recovery. This place has become another home to us. It is our safe haven and the people have become our family.
We are going back to Teague today. Thomas has big plans again for his life.
Victoria Staples