Project Joy and Hope (PJH) exists to provide stability and support for families caring for a seriously ill child. We offer a comprehensive supportive care program for families living at The Tulip Project or residing in communities throughout Texas.
Programs and Services:
Hope Housing
A "home away from home" for seriously ill children, those who have undergone a transplant and children requiring hospice care. Project Joy and Hope proudly presents our Tulip Project , a peaceful residential facility inside Beltway 8. Learn more...
Family Assistance Grants
We continue to help families throughout Texas whose children require ongoing treatment for serious illnesses or pediatric palliative care. The fund covers “real life needs” such as out-of-pocket costs for hospital parking and meals, rental needs and utilities. Learn more...
Hope Scholarships
We provide scholarships for bereaved children who have experienced the death of a sibling or parent. Over $920,000 has been awarded to deserving seniors in the greater Houston and surrounding areas since the program’s inception. Learn more...
A support program for brothers and sisters of seriously ill children or those with special health care needs. Learn more...
Holiday Hearts & Hands
A way to provide holiday gifts and financial assistance for seriously ill children and their families. Your company may want to "adopt" a family this year. Learn more...
Life Planning Institute
Individualized life planning for families with seriously ill children. Learn more...
Texas Pediatric Palliative Care Consortium
An alliance of palliative care professionals from pediatric hospitals and hospices throughout Texas.
Please visit the TPPCC website, or to access any of our programs, call Project Joy and Hope at 713-944-6569 or e-mail us at