Dear Dr. Wheeler, Shelley, and Chris and Project Joy and Hope friends,
Our family is truly grateful for the amazing heart you and your staff have, to make this place a home for all these families. My son and I traveled from Florida looking for a cure for my son’s AML leukemia. In Florida, everything they could do was done and there was nothing else for him.
We decided to come to Houston because we heard of a new trial that was used in adults only (not kids), but it was going to be tried on children if they met the requirement. We had to get an emergency medical flight to get Dominick to Houston because of him going through FIVE chemotherapies he had no immune system to be able to travel by land or by regular plane. We got him here and luckily he got in the trial a month later.
We rented places and jumped around month after month. Finally, the day came when he got in remission and ended up getting his bone marrow transplant. While in the hospital, another parent told us about Project Joy and Hope. When I came to meet Dr. Wheeler, I learned she had gone through a similar situation with her daughter and then I understood why this place was made. With so much love, Dr. Wheeler made this place happen, because she knows what families like us go through.
I had to move every month by myself with a sick child that couldn’t help me, to a new place every month and always buying new things because most places didn’t have most of the things that we need in our everyday lives to be able to function. But when I came here, Dr. Wheeler showed me this beautiful, clean, fully furnished, with everything we needed, and we could stay as long as we needed (no more moving around). This was a huge blessing!
The staff here is very friendly, helpful, and keeps us comfortable and safe. We have been fighting this for over a year, and I do have two small girls that need me too, and Project Joy and Hope is open for families to stay together.
Thank you, Dr. Wheeler, Shelley, Chris, and all the volunteers for the warm welcome when my son got out of the hospital. Our door was decorated, there were gifts on our front porch, and a few days later Dominick received a cake for his 12th birthday. He was sad it was his second birthday away from home, family, and friends. But this made his day for someone to be so nice to make him a cake and send him presents. Thank you so much for all the help, love, caring, and for giving us a home away from home. God bless you all!!!!
Dominick and Family