Good evening PJH family!
Tonight as Tyler and I took our first walk outside since discharge, it was honor for me to have him next to the entrance. I started to get emotional with the writing on the entrance sign as always and looking at him smile at me as if he knew what PJH has done for us. You gave us a place to call home while we fought for our son. You all are a huge reason we are here today.
Today we turned his pressures down on his ventilator, and he is no longer requiring any supplemental Oxygen support. His meds are slimming from 32 different ones a day to 15. We have started rolling, sitting assisted and a minute unassisted (progress), and being able to finally bare weight on his legs to stand. Without you Jan, Shelley, and Chris, my family would not have been here. It was a very fast decision and you welcomed us with open arms.
We have our last appointment for follow ups on the 26th of October and we will be cleared to head home afterwards with follow ups here later on. We will be leaving the first week of November as planned awaiting approval of supporting transportation services from Tricare once that appointment is complete.
Tyler and I have enjoyed having a few constant special nurses to days where we have no nursing at all, as exhausted as I am most days, in this time, we have built a much stronger bond in 3219B and we have made lifelong friends here in our home away from home. Over the last few days I have reflected on the many days I came home to cry and wake up again to do it all over again.
Jan, you told me there was one day I had such a light in my eyes from the way I had looked the first day here. I hope you could see me before I go as the light of hope and faith have become our way of life now. This light I carry has many reasons now, but please do believe me when I say, had it not been for your understanding, Jan, and help, we would not be where we are today. Shelley, the many laughs you gave me were so needed, and I am not sure you ever knew or know how much in those moments I needed it.
I cannot begin to thank you enough for your support, your caring hearts, and your love for families like myself and us. You all will forever be a part of our family.
With appreciation,
Jennifer Mack