Jennifer Gutierrez

Dear Jan and PJH Friends,

I have started this email several times and just can't find the right words to express the gratitude that I have towards all of you. When I first arrived at your facility, I was scared of all the changes and unknowns to follow in our future.  After visiting with you and meeting Shelley, I just felt some sort of calmness come over me.  I can't explain it.  All the staff at Project Joy and Hope truly have hearts of servants. Few people possess the considerate, unselfish, loving hearts that you have, and even fewer are willing to give so much of themselves. I thank you for all your kindness and for being the wonderful, amazing people that you are.  I know that I am blessed to have met you and have you be a part of my life.

During our 9 month stay, all of you went above and beyond doing for our family and all the families at your facility. I also appreciate everything all the organizations associated with your facility do for the families at Project Joy and Hope.  We were constantly being blessed with household items, meals and holiday items. There is a sense of family there.  We built friendships that will forever last a lifetime.

Like I stated before, I could never tell you how much you mean to me and my family and how much we appreciate everything that you did for us.  Especially the stuff that you didn't even know that you were doing. You were my calm during all the crazy.  God definitely led us to stay at the right place; He knew what I needed and what you had to offer.

Forever grateful,
Jennifer Gutierrez