Dear Project joy and Hope
Our daughter Elliana Sofia Jasso was diagnosed with Pulmonary atresia at twenty weeks uretro. We were devastated to say the least, uncertain of what the future held for her or us. We were then told that she would need to be delivered at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston Tx because El Paso does not have the right medical team to be able to handle a case like Elliana’s. We did not have any friends or family in or around the Houston area. We began looking at a place to stay as we were told it was going to be at least six months before we could return home. I then joined the Texas Children’s Hospital Facebook page and began to ask other parents of any places they would recommend, some said Ronald McDonald house. I quickly found out this would not work for us as a family because we have three other children. I then came across many comments mentioning Project Joy and Hope. I called and spoke to Jan. She immediately showed love and concern for our daughter and the whole family. I immediately expressed to her that having all of our kids with us was the number one priority for us. She assured me that we would all be able to stay together at Project joy and Hope. We were overwhelmed with relief and joy.
Upon arrival, we soon realized the duplexes are extremely well taken care of and have everything one could need. Project Joy and Hope was a blessing for our family and in times of uncertainty, my kids were all able to attend school and everything remained as normal as possible for our children. Project Joy and Hope was a true blessing for our family, we will forever be grateful for Jan and her wonderful staff and volunteers.
With love, Jasso Family