About Us
Imagine the pain parents feel when they learn their child has a life-threatening disease or a critical illness… suddenly their world is turned upside down. Their lives are changed forever. In this instant, families like these must direct all their energy and resources to focus on their child’s medical needs. Many times, jobs are lost, bank accounts are drained, and families struggle both emotionally and physically just to survive.
When this happens, Project Joy and Hope (PJH) is there. Project Joy and Hope is a local nonprofit organization (established 2000) that makes a difference for families with seriously ill children in our community every single day. PJH’s goal is to be a safety net and keep these families together when tragedy strikes.
Project Joy and Hope gives joy and builds hope for families at risk of losing their home due to the medical condition of a child. THE TULIP PROJECT is a gated residential community in Pasadena where families receive comfortable housing and the supportive care services they need when their child is seriously ill. All of the Tulip Project three-bedroom, two bath units make it possible for larger families to remain together and for children who need isolation before or after a transplant to have a safe, private environment. Siblings and patients enjoy the new playground and parents appreciate the comfortable and spacious home equipped with state-of-the-art amenities that this organization provides.
Volunteers are the heart of Project Joy and Hope. Over 500 people give their time each year to support this area nonprofit by helping the families or working at fundraising events. Sometimes a hug and a smile from an encouraging volunteer is all they need, but families know they can rely on Project Joy and Hope’s professional staff to help them problem solve and overcome the challenges they often face.
Project Joy and Hope also provides grants to families referred by Texas Children’s Hospital, Children’s Memorial Hermann, MD Anderson Pediatric Cancer Center, and Houston Hospice. A Parent Support line is available 24 hours a day for those who may not need housing but have other pressing needs when a child requires cancer treatment, prepares for transplant or needs palliative care for a life-limiting disease. Help is just a phone call away. PJH also provides scholarships for high school seniors in our community who have experienced the death of a sibling or parent and have exhibited outstanding community service despite their own adversity.
What makes Project Joy & Hope unique?

“PJH does not just look at what the seriously ill child needs, but what the family may need too. Whatever that need may be, the staff looks for solutions and involves their volunteers in helping meet the challenge. It may be groceries, gas for trips to the medical center, money for parking or even a birthday party for a sibling. The message is that there can always be joy and hope.”
Susanne Dullack
PJH Volunteer since 2006

“Our family is blessed to have found Project Joy & Hope during the toughest time in our lives. Dealing with your child having to go through bone marrow transplant is a very scary thing. Add to that the stress of being away from home, and not knowing where we would stay for the duration of the process. Being able to simply have a home-cooked meal after months in the hospital means the world to us. Project Joy & Hope provided that and so much more. They have provided a home away from home.”
The Perez Family

“The Palliative Care Center will provide a space for education related to the caring for these fragile children, their siblings and families. Many caregivers have not had the education or training and are not aware of how best to care for these children. They often do not know what they do not know and do not often understand the unique challenges and needs these children have. This lack of education compromises care, referral to resources and overall support”
Gina Leigh Jones, RN, CPLC
Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital